Saturday, December 28, 2013

New phone.

Hello everyone! This is Taller One playing with my new phone. It is a galaxy s3 and i love it!  I can do so many fun things that I could not do with my other phone like blogging! Although I am not the best at it maybe with this phone I will get better at it. We will just have to see what the future holds.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Stamp of Approval: Much Ado About Nothing 2012

Short Kid and Taller One would like to award their first Stamp of Approval. *cheering*

This first stamp goes to Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing. Derived from the play of the same name by William Shakespeare, Whedon, in his usual brilliance, brings to life a classic tale of comedy, betrayal, and love which our heroine's feel can be loved by those familiar and unfamiliar with Shakespeare's works.

The story is that of Leonato, his family, and friends. Leonato is a wealthy and well known man whose daughter, Hero, is not only fair and beautiful in appearance, but also pure and virtuous. Upon returning from war with Prince Don Pedro, Count Claudio, soldier to and close friend of the Prince, falls in love with Hero. With the help of Don Pedro, Claudio is able to win Leonato's approval to marry his daughter.

Accompanying Don Pedro and Claudio is their friend and comrade in arms, Benedick, whose infamous encounters with Leonato's niece, Beatrice, are known by many. While Beatrice and Benedick are known for exchanging harsh and judgmental words with one another, Claudio, Leonato, Don Pedro, and Hero plot to make these two outspoken characters fall in love. In a series of comedic events--with a little goodhearted deception on the part of the self-made "Gods of Love"--Benedick and Beatrice soon find themselves having feelings for each other, their unkind words being replaced with those of affection and love.

But all is not roses and sunshine for this happy group. The Prince's treacherous brother, Don John, is at the house as well, being held in Don Pedro's custody. With a desire to overthrow his brother, Don John devises a plan to destroy the upcoming wedding of Claudio and Hero, and thereby create a diversion which will enable him to escape.

The night before Claudio and Hero's wedding, Don John advises his brother and the Count that Hero has been untrue and that she is not as virtuous and pure as she seems. With the help of one of Don John's men, Borachio, and Hero's unknowing maid servant, Margaret, Don John convinces the two men that Hero is no longer a virgin and that she has been sleeping around with an unnamed ruffian.

After Don John provides his "proof" for contesting Hero's virtue, Borachio and another of Don John's men, Conrad, speak of what has happened. They are overheard by two officer's and are immediately taken into custody for treachery against the prince Don John. Little do the officer's know just how deeply the plot goes.

At the wedding, Dogberry, the officer in charge, tries to speak with Leonato about the two villains they apprehended the night before. However, Leonato is too busy preparing for his daughter's wedding to really listen to what he has to say.

As the Father is performing the marriage ceremony, Claudio exposes Hero's supposed betrayal. Don Pedro confirms what he saw and the two leave with Don John. Leonato at first is appalled by the accusation and doesn't know what to believe, but agrees to a plan to help uncover the truth and to discover if Claudio ever really loved Hero.

We won't spoil the ending for you. No point in us recommending the movie if we tell you how it ends, right? 

I loved this movie because not only is it a Shakespearean play that I find enjoyable, but I am very pleased with the casting that was chosen. 

First of all, I LOVED Nathan Fillion as Dogberry! He portrayed the officer's oblivious determination so perfectly I could not help loving him. Of course, I have yet to be disappointed by Mr. Fillion's performances.

Playing the role of Leonato was Clark Gregg, who you may know better as Agent Coulson in Marvel's Agents of Shield T.V. show(coincidentally, also done by Joss Whedon). After personally seeing Gregg in "New Adventures of Old Christine", Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Avengers, and "Agents of Shield", it was a treat to see him in such a fatherly role as Leonato. One scene in particular is the moment when Hero is pleading with him, begging him to believe that she did not do the thing she has been accused of, and the two embrace, weeping together at this tragic thing that has occurred. While he was angry at the thought that his daughter could do such a thing, he was also heartbroken, confused, and clearly tormented. It was a powerful scene, and brilliantly done.

I first witnessed the on screen chemistry of Amy Acker (Beatrice) and Alexis Denisof (Benedick) in their roles as Wesley and Fred in Joss Whedon's "Angel", but I have to say, personally, this movie solidified just how great they are on screen. I absolutely loved them.

Sean Maher, known for his role as Dr. Simon Tam in Whedon's show "Firefly" and it's movie sequel Serenity, was cast as the character of Don John. After seeing him as Dr. Tam, with his sweet--though fiercely protective--personality, it was something else to see him in such a deceptive and conniving role as this. His portrayal of Don John brought to life not only the character's distaste for his brother, Don Pedro, but also just how selfish  and unconcerned for the well being of others he is. Brilliant, BRILLIANT!

I have yet to experience the full talents of Fran Kranz (Claudio) and Jillian Morgese (Hero), however I was impressed with their chemistry as well. I also enjoyed their portrayals of Claudio and Hero. They played them as written without making them seem fake an d unrealistic. Wonderful. :)

~Short Kid~

this movie to me was awesome! I'm not much of a romantic but thanks to the actors and how they portrayed each character just made me love the movie. i have to admit the only reasons that i even wanted to watch this movie is because of Nathan Fillion and Clark Gregg. mostly though it was cause of Clark Gregg. i have been watching the new TV show called Agents of Shield that has Clark Gregg playing my most favorite character ever in the whole avengers/ marvel universe, Agent Coulson. i don't know why he is my favorite as of yet but once i have a favorite character of any show i look at who plays them and what they have been in and do a kind of research to find out not only how good of an actor they are but also how good of a person they are in general. i have only started so i can't judge Clark's personality as of yet but i will say that he is and awesome actor. he was able to go from a not so outgoing Agent character to a father who loves his daughter, and has a very merry personality. 

that is one of the many reason that i approved of this movie. i will also add that the movie is a romantic comedy and does a very good job at showing both the romance and the comedy in a more less sexual way. yes it had its moments but it was not an excessive amount to where no matter who was in it i would have had to put it in my disapproval collection. the comedy was awesome i laughed so hard i thought i was going to die from the action itself.

anywho that is my opinion on the movie and i hope that you have all gotten some in site of what this movie is about and why we loved it.

~Taller One~  

Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing :


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Prepare for the Madness...

... that is the Adventures of Short Kid and Taller One, two sisters who, when you get them together, can be rather...strange...

Ok, so maybe they aren't any stranger than anyone else in this crazy world. Actually, they are pretty sure there are less crazy people than them out there. But that's beside the point. The point is, they are two of the quirkiest girls around. And now they have their own blog.

Short Kid is the older of the two, though, as her name suggests, she is shorter than her baby sister. She loves to write. In fact, this whole blogging thing was her great idea...

Taller One takes pride in being less vertically challenged than her older sister and is not afraid to remind Short Kid of what she lacks in height. It is not out of malice, however, but always in good humor. Humor that Short Kid dishes right back.

Short Kid and Taller One would like to express gratitude to anyone who feels the desire to read their blog and enjoy the adventures they will be sharing, past, present, and future.