Saturday, November 2, 2013

Prepare for the Madness...

... that is the Adventures of Short Kid and Taller One, two sisters who, when you get them together, can be rather...strange...

Ok, so maybe they aren't any stranger than anyone else in this crazy world. Actually, they are pretty sure there are less crazy people than them out there. But that's beside the point. The point is, they are two of the quirkiest girls around. And now they have their own blog.

Short Kid is the older of the two, though, as her name suggests, she is shorter than her baby sister. She loves to write. In fact, this whole blogging thing was her great idea...

Taller One takes pride in being less vertically challenged than her older sister and is not afraid to remind Short Kid of what she lacks in height. It is not out of malice, however, but always in good humor. Humor that Short Kid dishes right back.

Short Kid and Taller One would like to express gratitude to anyone who feels the desire to read their blog and enjoy the adventures they will be sharing, past, present, and future.

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